Housing Insights Central
Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.
Facing an Eviction After Supreme Court Decision? Here Are Your Options
The US Supreme Court blocked the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from enforcing the latest federal eviction moratorium on the nation's renters. This move marks a defeat for the admini...
A Looming Housing Crisis Being Ignored
A Looming Housing Crisis Being Ignored Forbes released an article earlier today, October 3, on the current state of housing in America. The gist of the article is that people were giving impassioned speeches at a housing conference, wa...
5 Tips on Choosing the Right House to Rent
Renting a house is a critical decision that requires enough time and deliberation. Looking for a rental home can be a challenging process that can lead to errors and cost you money, time, and effort. However, there are specific guid...
4 Important Considerations You Should Make When Buying a Home
Most people dream of owning a home now or in the future. While people have different requirements when searching for a house, everyone hopes to find a home that provides comfort and warmth for their family. Whi...
5 Benefits of Involving a Real Estate Agent in Your Home Buying Process
In the current economic climate, individuals worldwide continue searching for creative and effective ways to save money. Everyone would like to save some cash when purchasing a home. It would be best ...
Tips to Help You Sell Your Home Successfully
Selling your home can be a lengthy and challenging endeavor. It pays to be prepared with all the paperwork, marketing, and negotiations before you can make the sale. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your home sal...
Worried about Eviction or Foreclosure? You Don't Need to Be in Most Markets
Eviction and foreclosure are an unfortunate part of the housing market that disproportionately affect economically disadvantaged people. In most cases, rent rises faster than wages, so people earning...
Congress Finally Addresses Housing Issues During COVID-19 Pandemic
After weeks and weeks of bickering and infighting between Republicans and Democrats over what should be included and left out of a Coronavirus stimulus package, the two parties seem to have agreed earlier ...
Housing Group in New York Calls for Rent Strike
As of Thursday, April 16, millions of Americans have received their stimulus money deposited into their banks, with millions more bringing the IRS website to a complete halt while seeing if they're eligible. Tens of mill...