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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

Looking to Shift from House Poor to House Rich? Look No Further!

What Does "House Rich" Mean? The term "House Rich" means that your investment in your housing is good. In short, it means that your investment in your housing doesn't take up much of your income. Ideally, you...

The 5 Mistakes You Should Avoid in Your Homeownership Journey

When planning to purchase a home, it is vital to learn as much as possible about what the process entails. You should have ample time to decide what you want before you start searching. Rushed decisions might l...

HUD and USDA Collaborates to Implements Updated Energy Efficiency Standards for New Homes

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) have collaborated to update the Minimum Energy Standards for newly constructed ...

Bipartisan Senator Meeting Fails to Improve Housing for Military and Vets

America is in a constant state of partisanship, and has been ever since John Adams and Thomas Jefferson split the nation's politics right down the middle under George Washington's presidency...

Atlanta Floats Idea of $100 million Affordable Housing Bond

Decade after decade, the city of Atlanta, Georgia has dealt with an increase in their homeless population, as well as issues in offering affordable housing to their growing population. It's one of America'...

A First: Tech Companies Work with Governments to Lower Homelessness

Tech companies in the San Francisco Bay Area are typically associated with excessive wealth, greed, innovation, and general unaffordability for most. The lack of affordable housing in the region is relativel...

Finally, Solution for Homelessness and Spiraling Housing Prices on Horizon

It's no secret that housing prices in desirable locations have been skyrocketing for the past few decades. As something that's often seen as a tenet of "generational warfare" between Baby Boomers and ...

Students from Columbia and Pace Sue for Housing and Tuition

It is not really news to suggest that the coronavirus is currently wreaking havoc around the globe and people from all walks of life are sharing in the suffering. However, it is still amazing just how many differ...

How to Lock in Mortgage Rates While They're at Record Lows

If you are looking to buy a property, one of the most important things you need to think about is mortgage rates. Just a one percent difference in interest saves people an average of about $60,000 over the life of th...